Apostle Rick -It’s turning around

I HEARD THE LORD SAY THIS TODAY……….Release the past. The hurts, woundings, failures, and ALL the rest have been covered by the blood of Jesus. I have put it ALL within My eternal covenant covering with you to ALWAYS protect and provide for you. Celebrate your deliverances and healings.
Be certain that you have forgiven ALL from the deepest regions of your heart.
And if you are not absolutely certain that you have forgiven them, very prayerfully do it yet again.
Release them and forgive the debt they owe you so that you may also walk in TOTAL forgiveness.
Resist those voices that are still speaking to you from your past. Don’t be as those who are always bringing up the past and letting that past dictate today.
Start NEW and fresh right now. Take care of it ALL while it is still called today. Release the past.

Isaiah 43:18 “Do not call to mind the former things, or ponder things of the past.”

He will never leave you -Apostle Rick

HE WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU………The less that is happening externally (in ministry), the more is occurring internally in YOUR heart.
We know that the tide will turn.
Samson’s hair will grow back. We must discover where our REAL strength comes from. Father God encompasses His people, He always surrounds us.
Tune in to how Father God is enfolding you in His everlasting arms. He will never leave you, but He does walk with us differently at certain times. The roots of trust MUST grow in times of quiet desperation.
“I would have despaired unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living” (Ps.27:13).

It’s all working

Are working together for our good.
The good, the bad
The bitter, the sweet
Who left, who stayed
The sickness, the pain
The joy,the peace
The down fall, The up rise….
The Love,The hate
The decrease, The Increase
ALL THINGS are working together for our good that love Abba, to them who are called according to HIS PURPOSE.💕
No matter what situation arises, it’s what God has spoken concerning you. His Kairos meets His Seasons for His purpose and destiny concerning you. It’s not an age thing, race agenda, title agenda, if you failed or never even started. It’s an God’s agenda and all things work together. As the season is changing, are you aligning to what God has said concerning YOU? Just know, it’s working, it’s working ❤️❤️🌸🌸just continue to believe, manifestation is in your horizon ☀️☀️

Good morning

While man/woman looks at another man/woman and TRY to compare who they are by what the natural eyes see, GOD being I AM-looks at the heart,to see Himself.

The ruling center of a whole person, our attributes, the fruits of the spirit, love, humility representing the central wisdom of feeling opposed to the head wisdom of reason.

Heart checks this morning are needed ❤️ GOD is love

Put me back together again

Things are coming together. 09/16/2022 NUGGET
Just like a puzzle. When it is in the box and placed on a surface; it looks in disarray, it looks like nothing fits and nothing is of any significance. But once the puzzle pieces are shuffled up and tried to be fitted in places they do not belong, the orchestrator of the pieces puts them together one by one, and after a while; it’s finally together. An even portrait comprised of uneven pieces. A masterpiece.

So even though you’ve endured things to cause you to feel disconnected or things to cause you to feel you do not fit; remember its ALL COMING TOGETHER. You are a MASTERPIECE. Everything that God made is good.The Potter wants to put you back together. You are significant in this world and in the Kingdom! ❤️